1. What is the Cass Rural Water Users District?
Cass Rural Water District is a water district established under section 61-35-25 of the North Dakota Century Code, headquartered in Kindred, ND. The purpose of the company is to provide potable drinking water to farms and rural residences in Cass County. Cass Rural Water District is governed by a nine member Board of Directors, who are elected by the membership for staggered 3 year terms. [ BACK TO TOP ]
2. How do I become a member?
In order to become a member of Cass Rural Water District you are required to enter into a water users agreement. All applications for hookup must be approved by the Board of Directors based on the availability of hydraulic capacity at any given time. [ BACK TO TOP ]
3. What is the cost of membership?
Please contact our office for current membership or hookup fee. In addition to the hookup fee, all new users are required to pay the cost of any distribution and service line necessary to bring water service to the residence. Cass Rural Water District furnishes the meter package which consists of the meter, pressure reducing valve, check valve, pressure gauge, and associated fittings. [ BACK TO TOP ]
4. What is the source of the water and how is it treated?
The source for Cass Rural Water District is groundwater. The groundwater is treated to remove iron and manganese. The water is then disinfected and fluoride is added. We also purchase water from the City of Fargo and City of West Fargo to serve users immediately north, south and west of the city limits. [ BACK TO TOP ]
5. What is the monthly cost for service?
Rural Customer:
Fargo Customers:
West Fargo Customers:
A typical family of four will use between 3,000 and 6,000 gallons per month. As a result, the average bill for most users will be between $46.20 and $74.40 per month.
Leonard Area Arsenic Project
A typical family of four will use between 3,000 and 6,000 gallons per month. As a result, the average bill for most users will be between $56.20 and $72.40 per month.
Monthly Commercial Rate
Monthly minimum charge is based on meter size. A listing of these charges appears in the rates section of this website. Available to any service when the primary use is for business or industrial use. Applies to any single metered service to multiple rental units where owner furnishes distribution system beyond the metering point. (Typical examples are apartment houses, duplexes, trailer parks.)
Municipal Bulk Water Rate
Rural Bulk: $5.00/thousand gallons
Fargo Bulk: $5.40/thousand gallons
The monthly minimum for a rural farm or residence is $30 per month. The minimum must be paid every month whether water is used or not. In addition to the minimum, water usage is charged at the following rate schedule. [ BACK TO TOP ]
6. When must I begin to pay the monthly water bill?
Billing begins as soon as the meter has been installed, inspected, and water service is available at the site. All water used must be metered. When the plumber or contractor is ready, a meter assembly will be issued from the office. In most instances, the meter will be installed within a few days of its being issued. Once installation is completed, you need to notify the office and make arrangements for the meter installation to be inspected and sealed by a Cass Rural Water District operator. You will then receive the first monthly bill on the next billing cycle. [ BACK TO TOP ]
7. Where is the meter located?
The meter should be located as close as possible to the inside entry point of the service line into the home. The meter must be unrestricted with a minimum of 4 feet clearance for access of Cass Rural Water District personnel for maintenance and repair of the meter. Any meter installation which does not provide adequate access will be rejected by Cass Rural Water District. The homeowner will then be required to correct the situation at the homeowners’ expense. [ BACK TO TOP ]
8. Who reads the meter?
Each member is responsible for reading their own meter unless you live in an area that CRW reads it monthly. Statements are sent out each month with a box to write the reading in. The member simply writes the reading in the box and returns the stub. The reading can also be submitted on the website or by contacting our office. Members generally receive the bill around the 26th of the month. Payment is then due by the 10th of the following month. Penalties are added for late payment as well as failure to supply a reading. [ BACK TO TOP ]
9. Who is responsible for repairs to the service line?
The member is responsible for all repairs to the service line on the member side of the curb stop. The curb stop is generally set at or very near the property line. Cass Rural Water District is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the meter, however, the user is required to provide a frost free location for the meter. Consequently, the member shall be responsible for the cost of any damage to the meter resulting from freezing. [ BACK TO TOP ]
10. How can I pay my bill?
Payments are accepted by mail, over the phone, online, dropping off at the office or by enrolling in autopay. Forms for autopay can be found below and completed forms can be mailed to our office (PO Box 98 Kindred, ND 58051). Autopay withdrawal will occur around the 10th of every month.